We unearth your personal style and select elements to feather your nest in beauty, comfort and utility.
At Delta Swell we design window treatments, custom furnishings & fine art consulting.
Donna Hadjikhani, Owner & Founder of Delta Swell, applies her keen eye, intuition to elevate and transform Interior Design.
A consultant to elite west coast designers, Donna works magic to imbue your surroundings with style. From window treatments to custom furnishings to fine art consulting, Delta Swell specializes in revamping spaces, turning the ordinary into extraordinary and the mundane into wonderful, heightening the magic of a created space.
Style that reflects your personality and nurtures your senses.
Donna applies her keen eye and intuition to elevate and transform interior design for the Los Angeles lifestyle, combining passion for design trends and a special expertise with color, textures, and textiles, Donna creates spaces that are extensions of your rich inner life.

Custom Furnishings
Manifest a conversation piece to your unique taste and style.
Window Treatments
Choosing the perfect treatment for your needs, space, and home’s architecture.

Fine Art Consulting
Discover fantastic artwork that will focus attention and tie design elements together.